Joshua Clottey defeated Zab Judah by a unanimous technical decision. The fight went somewhat like most expected. Judah started off quick and Clottey was consistently applying more and more pressure as the fight went on. Judah had blood coming from his mouth, nose, and later a huge cut from over his right eye. He was beginning to look like Miguel Cotto. However, Roberty Byrd said the cut over the right eye of Judah was caused by a headbutt. Byrd is a fair referee, so I am not mad at him for making the mistake. But the cut, which was a nasty one, was caused by a short powerful left uppercut by Clottey. Zab Judah, known to be far from reality, said it was a headbutt too. Then when he watched the replay and it clearly showed it was an uppercut that caused the cut, he had nothing to say for a few seconds. Then tried to say it was a headbutt again like we all had not seen the punch cause the cut. There were no headbutts in this fight. It is true, Clottey had been DQd due to headbutts in a fight against Carlos Baldomir, but last night was not that fight. Judah tried to win the fight instead of just survive, but Clottey was never hurt by Judah. Judah was hurt by Clottey on many occassions. Judah was banged up and bloody, but to let him tell you he was doing great. I feel if Clottey would have made it rougher on Judah, the fight would have been over by the 9th. So now there is this controversy according to the Judah camp. Yoel Judah, Zab's father and trainer, said Zab could have fought on. The ring doctor said Zab said he couldn't see, failed the sight test when he was asked how many fingers do I have up, and then said he couldn't continue. Funny how the stories vary from the fighter to the doctor. I am mad that the fight was stopped due to the fact of a cut caused by a non-existent headbutt and because Zab can't count. For those of you who may remember, when Zab fought Baldomir and was stunned. The doctor went to his corner and told Zab to put his right hand next to his left ear, and he failed that test too. For those of you who may think I am lying see if you can find that video. I personally have it on dvd, but do not have the proper equipment to load it up for you. I will check youtube. Anyway, Judah lost but not the way I had hoped. He showed he still has some great skills but they do not work on a guy like Clottey. Clottey rarely got hit clean because his guard is up high. Clottey puts on lots of pressure and hits extremely hard. Clottey won the fight no matter what Zab Judah lovers try to say. There was no headbutt, it was a clear punch that caused that cut. Judah will fight again because he did enough to do so, but his days are coming to an end. Clottey, hopefully he can get a meaningful fight soon. He called out Berto but did not shy away from any fighter.
Clottey is a freakin BEAST!
Hopefully this will foce the hands of the promoters and will see Clottey vs Marguerito.
Zab has always been an under achiever in my books. He is to wrapped up in being a star than being a great fighter.
As far as him being disrespectful I could care less. This is the one sport where you can tear some one a new one for opening up their mouths if the other fighter cant take it than beat him up.
I don't mind trash talking when you have trash talkers. Judah trash talking Baldomir was dumb because it was not that type of fight. Then he came unprepared and lost. Zab has so much natural talent but did not do what it took to fully develop it. I think he has ADD personally. He can only focus for so long. I was hoping Clottey would have been rougher with Judah and got him against the ropes. If Clottey would have gotten him against the ropes, he could have simply abused him. However he did a good job anyway because Judah was bloody. Bad thing is Judah can fight again at a top level fight, but he is going to need to win one because his time is running out. Cotto-Judah would be a good fight in early 2009. Cotto-Judah as the undercard to a Margarito-Clottey. Then the winners fight.
Cotto-Judah as the undercard to a Margarito-Clottey. Then the winners fight.
I dont know about that Paul Williams is still waiting i8n the wings, were talking about a whole year of waiting for him.
Based on Top Rank who is the promoter, my scenario would happen easier. Margarito and Williams do need to fight again and soon. I do not disagree with that, but you know Bob Arum likes to keep it all in his family. I did read that Dan Goossen offered $4million for a Margarito-Williams rematch.
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