Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Floyd Mayweather Jr and Big Show WWE Press Conference


Urban Thought said...

Mayweather should take a toast masters class. I'm not sure he is used to being behind the mic. Perhaps he should get a spokes person.

I actually am tempted to watch.

#1Pound4Pound said...

Well you do know he did not finish high school. He is not the most educated and well spoken person around but he gets his money. I am not tempted at all to buy this Wrestlemania stuff. It is somewhat interesting, but I have to stick with what I know. I hope he does not get hurt.

Urban Thought said...

It's on PPV? I'll wait for YouTube.

I used to watch wrestling as a young child with the fam on weekends, along with the cartoon.

I switched to boxing in my teenage years. Best move I ever made.

#1Pound4Pound said...

Yes it is on PPV. What good is not on PPV nowadays. I used to watch wrestling back in the day and then grew out of it. I will be waiting for highlights on youtube just like you man.