Monday, March 31, 2008

Mayweather KOs Big Show Highlights


Urban Thought said...

LOL... It's all entertainment. I love it.

#1Pound4Pound said...

Yes that is all it is. Glad he did not get hurt. However he said earlier last week he may stay in the WWE, so I guess time will tell.

justjudith said...

wow. it was so believable...

#1Pound4Pound said...

As Urban Thought said, it is entertainment. I have not watched wrestling in years and Floyd did not get me to watch it for him. Now if I see the actual fight cool, but I was not paying my money for it. It was entertaining from the highlights I saw. Now I hope he got it all out of his system and will handle his business in boxing.

Televisiontraci said...

I guess it's true what they's not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fiht in the dog!! Ha, Ha, No but in all seriousness. I'm glad this is all over with so that Mayweather can get back to the reall stuff.

#1Pound4Pound said...

Yeah I am glad he got his money and had some fun.